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Mike Mentzer's Underground Seminar

Mike Mentzer Seminar

mike mentzer seminar

Actualize Your Muscular Potential In One Year!

Without a doubt, Mike Mentzer was one of the most intelligent bodybuilders to ever grace the bodybuilding platform, and one of the most controversial.

Mike Mentzer (Mr. Universe) claimed that an individual could realize his or her genetic potential in one year! He said people using his Heavy Duty Training system routinely gain 10 to 20 pounds in a month and 30-40 pounds in three or four months!

See and hear him align his reasons, deliver the unassailable logic, responsible for his belief that fulfilling one's potential should require very little time. Although controversial, one must admit that Mentzer stimulates thought like no other in the field.

This DVD is the only recording of Mike Mentzer's Seminar. Two full hours of Mike discussing exercise fundamentals, their relationships, stories of past clients, and more. Hear Mike discuss exercise theory, applying that theory to bodybulding, answers questions from the audience. he explains the mistakes made by nearly everyone who picks up a dumbbell, and much more. Very entertaining and educational, this is a must have for any Mike Mentzer fan!

Get the Mike Mentzer Underground Seminar DVD only $39.95 plus $8.00 S&H

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